Maģistra darbs(English)(1),23/24-R

Upon completion of the master study programme, students shall pass a state examination, which is assessed according to a 10-grade scale. Viva Voce of the Master Thesis makes part of the state examination. The Master Thesis amounting to 20 credit points consists of the theoretical and empirical/analytical parts (project). In the theoretical part of the Master Thesis, students investigate a selected issue in the field of digital humanities and provide an overview of the relevant theoretical literature, substantiate the topicality of the chosen theme and analyse its impact on the development of the field.
The empirical/analytical (project) part of the Master Thesis presents a case study on: 1) the challenges of meaning representation exploiting, tailoring, approbating and developing technology, web applications or model; 2) the challenges associated with preservation, management and digitization of cultural heritage; 3) the development, analysis, practical application and approbation of technology, web application, mobile app or various models, e.g., a description of a developed e-learning course, applied software, web page development project, etc.; 4) the challenges in representation, processing and transfer of multimodal and intersemiotic information; 5) storage and archiving of multimedia information; 6) graphical analysis and visualization of data; 7) introduction and incorporation of edutainment principles into modern educational models and social activities, etc.
Students develop their Master Theses independently in accordance with the study plan during the last semester of their studies consulting both the supervisor and, if necessary, a specialist in the respective field.