Komunikācijas un prezentācijas prasme(English)(1),23/24-R

The study course aims at developing soft skills of the students to promote advanced interpersonal communication, abilities to work well in teams, manage time and get successfully and efficiently engaged in networking. The acquired skills are needed to attain higher levels of cognitive flexibility, enhance critical thinking skills, get involved in multiple interrelated and reciprocally amplifying creative activities, contributing to communicative acts leading to cross-fertilization of ideas and development of willingness to learn and act under pressure. Students master practical techniques to communicate and reinforce their message at various levels and in various contextual situations, allowing them to focus on their target audience needs and expectations. Students learn how to assess their performance critically, comprehend communicative and networking situations and context, learn to address the issues in different communicative modes. Students draw up reports, theses, summaries, organize and maintain debates and discussions on various popular scientific, as well as topical professional themes and subjects, etc.