Maģistra darbs(English)(1),23/24-P

The Master's thesis is a written study that confirms the author's ability to independently identify, study, and to solve topical, program-specific creative industry and growth management problems through an interdisciplinary perspective. It also confirms students’ ability to develop substantiated and original recommendations and suggestions in order to solve the problems.
During the process of writing the Master's thesis, the student selects a topic of interest that foresees the scientific research possibilities, justifies its topicality, acquires and analyses scientific literature, applies empirical research methods, and in cooperation with his/her scientific supervisor develops research which contains the author's original conclusions and recommendations. The Master thesis serves as a base for the award of the Master’s degree.
The Master’s thesis concludes the acquisition of the study programme, part of that is the public defence at the commission established jointly by the LAC and RTU. The Master’s thesis has two supervisors – one from the LAC, one from RTU. The allocation of credits is as follows: 15 ECTS the LAC, 15 ECTS RTU.